Decluttering 101: Kids Rooms

This may seem like the hardest one of this series if you have kids. My daughter only just turned three so it's still pretty easy to declutter things from her room without causing emotional chaos, but she has started noticing sometimes when I take something out so I have to be more careful with what … Continue reading Decluttering 101: Kids Rooms

Decluttering 101: Pantry + Refrigerator

Hello, friends! It's been a good while since I've posted anything, specifically in this Decluttering 101 series, and I apologize. I've got this and a few others planned and hopefully will get the set finished within the next month, so if you're still up for the decluttering challenges, stay tuned for more! Last time I … Continue reading Decluttering 101: Pantry + Refrigerator

Decluttering 101: In the Kitchen

Good morning! Today we're going to be talking about decluttering in the kitchen-- specifically the small appliances and extra dishes, gadgets, and utensils we've probably got stuffed in our cabinets. (We'll tackle the pantry and refrigerator a bit in another post.) I'm sure you've heard of Marie Kondo and her new Netflix show, Tidying Up, or her … Continue reading Decluttering 101: In the Kitchen

Decluttering 101: Small, Practical Ways to Simplify

I'm so happy to hear so many of you are excited for this series of blog posts! To be honest, I'm super excited too, because I'm also doing some extra decluttering in my home (between Christmas and our baby arriving this Spring, I want to have everything neatly in order), and it's really just something … Continue reading Decluttering 101: Small, Practical Ways to Simplify